November 10, 2004

Four Parents, Sort of

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has found one of those "lots of people in the mix" IVF cases, in this case fairly garden variety 90s courtroom drama about who gets or is responsible for les enfant. Pennsylvania, though, has had some pretty interesting cases in which the typical "I agree not to ask for the child to whom I am contributing DNA or a womb" agreements are nullified. In addition, Pennsylvania had an extraordinary case in the 1990s involving a man who killed an infant whom he had made with the assistance of a surrogacy shop in Indiana. The man in that case had not been in any way screened to determine whether he might, as he evidently would have, posed a risk to a child. That case sparked a fight in middle Pennsylvania over whether surrogacy should be made illegal. It makes for an interesting set of problems that culminate in the new Erie case.

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