November 18, 2004

Guest Blogger Dominic Sisti

Welcome to Dominic Sisti, our Guest blogger for the next few months. Those of you with interest in bioethics for high school students know him, and we think he's great.
Here's a biosketch: Dominic A. Sisti is a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics, an ethicist at Holy Redeemer Health System in Philadelphia, and an adjunct instructor at Villanova University. Dominic received his master's degree from the University of Pennsylvania (Bioethics, 2000) and his Bachelor of Science degree from Villanova University (Biology, 1996). He serves on several ethics committees and is currently working to develop the Center's High School Bioethics Project (PI- Prof. McGee) (see Dominic is a co-editor of Health, Disease, and Illness: Concepts in Medicine (with Profs. Caplan & McCartney, Georgetown University Press, June 2004).
Welcome, Dom!

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