November 30, 2004

Happy Birthday to Us

We're two months old today. Thanks to more than 24,000 visitors who've read 146 posts. Thanks to guest bloggers Art Caplan and Dominic Sisti. Thanks to John Kwon for building the link to AJOB's news function, and to more than a dozen reporters who offered great advice, especially our friends at Wall Street Journal. Thanks to more than a dozen blogs who've linked to us, and to the readers who nominated us for seven different Best of the Blogs, EDUblog, and Best Medical Blog awards. And thanks to a couple of dozen moms, high school teachers and casual surfers who've written comments, including really nice cheerleading comments, so far. Thanks to those who have pilfered this stuff for the bioethics listservs and for newspaper and newsletter stories. I said we'd try this experiment for 60 days, the idea of a journal's editors doing a blog is pretty odd after all. I'm ready to say that if not yet successful this is at least worth extending for another four months. After that we'll see. For now look for more guests and an 'alert network' that will feed us (and you) news. And there is a pretty good chance we'll be acquired by a prominent blogging company with whom we're in negotiations, if I can only get them to agree to pay for my kids' college education, or at least more than a cup of coffee. Oh yeah and speaking of that, your clicks on sponsor ads have raised almost $6 for our non-profit bioethics education group, which will go a long way toward buying coffee for a couple of students at ASBH! - GM

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