December 25, 2004

Bioethics' New Media: Online Streaming Video

Just in - a perfect little distraction for a bit of non-work-like-bioethics-surfing during the holiday break. It is called 'Yahoo! Video', and according to MIT's Daily Recycler, which tracks the most cited links among all three million english language blogs, it is literally everywhere.

Why is it such a big deal? Because Yahoo! Video allows you to search from millions, yes MILLIONS, of video clips all over the internet in order to turn up clips in your area of interest. Beyond "ego searching" for clips in which you appear, the teaching and research uses for Yahoo! Video - and those engines that follow it - are expansive and interesting. Just think about all of the ways in which you might use a tool like this and you'll begin to see why, like Google Scholar, which in my opinion will revolutionize scholarly information, this is a major technological breakthrough for our field. For example, here is a search for video with stem cells in it. - GM

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