December 30, 2004

Pharma Discusses How to be Ethical

Pharmaceutical Executive prints a transcript of the proceedings of a high-power discussion of how to be ethical in the pharmaceutical business. "The conversation was moderated by Joseph Cohen, a partner at the law firm. The participants were Raul Perea-Henze, MD, senior director/team leader, science and medical advocacy, for Pfizer; Roger Louis, chief compliance officer for Genzyme; Nicholas Capaldi, PhD, Legendre-Soule chair in business ethics at Loyola University New Orleans; Kevin Soden, MD, worldwide medical director for Texas Instruments and Celanese, and medical reporter for NBC and MSNBC; and Patrick Clinton, editor-in-chief of Pharm Exec." Trust me, you want to read this. But go get a good strong drink first, then re-open your laptop.

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