January 04, 2005

And the Next State to look into Embryonic Stem Cell Research is ...

Connecticut may be the next state to look into funding embryonic stem cell research. For Connecticut State Senator Larry Miller, who is spearheading the issue, the issue strikes particularly close to home: after being diagnosed with multiple myeloma several years ago, he believes that his life was saved with an autologous bone marrow transplant, using his own adult stem cells from his bone marrow. Although this treatment is not controversial, Miller's personal experience and concern for others with serious diseases, is what drives him to push for stem cell research in Connecticut. He and another senator wrote a bill last year to allow stem cell research; the Senate approved the bill, but the House opted to study the issue for another year. There is a possibility that the research might be funded with $10 to $20 million from the state’s surplus, as a one-time expense toward stem cell research.

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