January 10, 2005

Where Are You?

If you've noticed that little map on the right side of the blog, with little red dots on it, you know that we are now tracking the general location of visitors to the blog. There have only been a few thousand visitors (5-7,000 'hits') since we started tracking this (with Open University (London) software), but already two things are clear, even on the high resolution map: there are not many readers from Africa, South America or China; and, many many people on the east coast like to read blog postings about bioethics.

The blog has become the 2nd most-visited bioethics site (the most visited is its parent, bioethics.net), which explains why so many Google searches wind up sending people to our blog, and as traffic increases still further this will be an interesting snapshot of bioethics traffic (casual and professional). No user identification information is captured here, by the way, just domain mapping. You can zoom in by clicking a red circle and the effect is a pretty cool satellite picture, by the way.

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