February 15, 2005

Children of the Clones: The Kids are Taking Over Bioethics

Hear me now and believe me later: the kids are taking over bioethics. Mega conferences in bioethics hosted by undergraduates are a bit like those hosted by law students, which most of us are more familiar with: they tend to be a bit overhyped, which is fine, but they also tend to stress only the most cutting edge issue and then to invite only the most visible speakers - to do their least substantial presentations. Far too often these super-important next wave conferences, which attract tons of students and lay people alike, end up reinforcing stereotypes of what bioethics "does" among those who are critical of the discipline. But now there is a chance for that trend to reverse itself - three super big new conferences by undergrads are coming up soon: Arizona State's offering, and Toronto's conference, and of course the whompum bad daddy of them all at Penn. For starters, all of these folks are honest about the fact that it is a student-oriented conference. Looks like good stuff. Prepare to be replaced. [updated]

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