February 07, 2005

Your Nurse Has Been Tuhminated

Jon Carroll really loves Arnold Schwartzenegger's thoughtful campaign against nursing in California:
Ahnold boasted of his victory over the nursing profession by calling nurses 'special interests' and announcing that he had 'kicked their butts.' That is such a useful way to refer to nurses, because everyone I know is really angry about nurses and all the care they give and the extra hours they work and sick people they comfort. Nothing gets the public on your side quicker than nurse-bashing.

Amazingly, though, there has been limited public outcry. Do we think that nurses make too much money? Do we think they whine too much about understaffing and compulsory overtime and standing helplessly by while cost- saving procedures compromise the level of care? Do we resent their yachts and their skiing trips to Davos?

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