March 15, 2005

Congressional Call for Inquiry into the Kass Matter

This was released today, again requiring little comment:
Bioethics Leader's Role In Setting Agenda Questioned

A member of Congress yesterday requested that the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services investigate Leon R. Kass, chairman of President Bush's Council on Bioethics. At issue is whether Kass acted inappropriately by helping to lead an effort to craft a legislative "agenda" for Congress that would place new restrictions on embryo research and other areas of reproductive science.

In the letter, Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) expressed concern that Kass may have misrepresented his private views as those of the council and that the council's resources may have been used in the effort. The effort brings "a cloud of suspicion" on the bioethics council, she wrote.

Kass said he has been very clear with people that his work for the new "bioethics agenda" for Congress -- still in its early stages -- is independent of his work for the council. "No council resources or council time was used," he said yesterday.

The inspector general typically takes two weeks to decide whether to take on a congressional request, a spokeswoman said.

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