March 02, 2005

No, You May Not Have Contraceptives

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that a pharmacist has been reprimanded for conduct that we often hear discussed but rarely have actually seen: denying oral contraceptives:
In a case that highlights the clash of religious beliefs and legal responsibilities for medical professionals, a judge recommended Monday that the state reprimand and limit the license of a pharmacist who refused to refill a young woman's prescription for oral contraceptives.

Pharmacist Neil T. Noesen, 30, also refused to refer the young woman to another pharmacy where she could get her prescription filled.

This one will be the lightening rod:
The case has attracted the attention of both abortion opponents and supporters, who are waging a war in Wisconsin and across the nation over "conscience clause" legislation that would allow medical professionals to refuse to participate in abortion and other procedures they say conflict with their religious beliefs.
[thanks Art Derse]

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