April 23, 2005

Or, You Could Rent the 9th Season of 'Sex in the City'

Washington Times' DVD pic of the week is Clonus, a 1979 sci-fi movie.The synopsis hints at the movie's greatness:
Secretly financed by government honchos who harvest unwitting victims for organ replacements, Clonus is run like an Olympic training camp, where the brain-washed young-adult clones hone their bodies to athletic perfection, all in the hopes of an eventual graduation to 'America.'

But when smarter-than-your-average-clone Richard (Tim Donnelly) happens upon a stray Old Milwaukee beer can, that random discovery kick-starts a quest that threatens to expose the wide-ranging conspiracy.

"Clonus" (originally "Parts: The Clonus Horror," which is still the on-screen title) works best when focusing on the chilling clone farm and its poignant, doomed residents. The film's third act seems a bit rushed after the brilliant buildup, but "Clonus" recovers in time to reach a disturbing climax.

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