April 30, 2005

Yet Another Family in Texas Scrambles to Fight the Bush Law that Ends their Child's Life Support

HoustonChronicle reports that baby Knya Dismuke-Howard is the subject of a decision by Memorial Hermann Hospital that she (Leukemia has spread to her brain, and she is in multi-organ failure and has a major infection...) is not benefitted by the life support she is receiving, and that it is thus no longer good medicine.

Under Texas law (signed by President Bush, while then Governor) eight ten days elapse before the life support is withdrawn, and the family has that long to find another hospital for their child, one that will administer this course of treatment that the hospital says is causing her to suffer greatly while in a hopeless condition.

No word on whether the Texas Legislature or U.S. Congress will intervene is this highly public case in the President's home state.

[thanks L. McCullough for correction on dates]

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