June 16, 2005

My Mother, Host

Quite a story today concerning a 26-year-old pregnant woman with cancer, whose brain function ceased last month. She is being kept alive with a respirator in hopes she can have a premature baby who may have a chance to survive. Susan Torres, a researcher at the National Institutes of Health, lost consciousness early last month when an undiagnosed brain tumor caused a stroke. Her husband, Jason Torres, says doctors told him Susan's brain functions have stopped, but decided to keep his wife on life support even after doctors at Virginia Hospital Center determined that she would not recover. The baby Susan Torres was carrying when she had her stroke appears to be thriving after nearly 21 weeks of gestation. Her husband says if she can stay alive another month, and the cancer stays away from her uterus, the baby could be delivered and have a chance of surviving. The couple has a 2 year old son.

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