July 25, 2005

Attention Deficit Disorder, Drugs, and Enhancement

The new issue of The American Journal of Bioethics is just out, and the Target Articles include a major exploration of dosing of medication for children with ADHD by Illina Singh, which features open peer commentary essays by, among others, Peter Kramer and Paul Appelbaum. As well there is an exploration of the ethics of enhancement by Francis M. Kamm, Guggenheim fellow and now Littauer Professor of Philosophy at the Kennedy School of Government. Kamm takes on Sandel, and furthers a debate started in AJOB's very first issue by Norman Daniels - where should we go with enhancement technologies? Also in this issue: a review of George Annas' new book American Bioethics by Al Jonsen, a review of Zeke Emanuel, Robert Crouch and John Arras' new book on research ethics, an In Focus article on U.S. military sponsored vaccine trials in Nepal, and a pointed exchange of letters between Jeffrey Kahn, Carl Elliot and James Coyne concerning the latter's article about Carl Elliot and the David Healy affair. Bon appetit.

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