December 30, 2004

The Year in Review

At the suggestion of Mark Kuczewski, who comes up with lots of the most interesting "what we can do better" ideas in bioethics, we're thinking seriously about a "what happened in bioethics" review for the year. But what should we include? We would like very much to hear from you. The "what happened this year" newspaper pieces out so far are, well, unhelpful. Perhaps you can suggest reviews you would like us to attend to. Or better, tell us what you think about how we should format and publish it. We could run it in the Journal, or run it in InFocus on, where many more people would read it, or blog it one item at a time. We could blast it with the news update email, which has something like 80,000 readers. Or we could just not do it. But a lot happened this year, so much in fact that I can't think of a comparable year. You can leave your suggestions here as comments. Hurry up, ok?

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