January 07, 2005

And Now, Michael Moore on Drugs

Wait - we didn't mean it that way. It's just that the "Fahrenheit 9/11" guy is doing his next documentary on the health-care industry, and six American pharmaceutical companies, including GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer, are telling their employees to watch out for what a Pfizer spokesman called "a scruffy guy in a baseball cap." If he approaches you, you're supposed to tell him to peddle his papers over at corporate communications. (How about just dosing him with Vioxx?) "Being screwed by your HMO and ill served by pharmaceutical companies is the shared American experience," Moore has said. When his film, to be called "Sicko," comes out a couple of years from now, it ought to spread the pain around more equitably.

The rumors have started already. Moore sightings have been reported at multiple locations*at the same time*and he's having to deny paying doctors to help set up hidden cameras. ("I didn't need to. So many doctors have offered to help, for free.") As a flack for AstraZeneca puts it, "Michael Moore is becoming an urban legend." - Armand Antommaria (Utah)

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