January 20, 2005

To Do List: Take Out Trash. Make A 67 Year-Old Woman Pregnant. Get Medical License Revoked by Romanian Ethicists.

Yes, there is a reward for making a 67 year-old (in this case, Adriana Iliescu of Bucharest) pregnant. You get a new job! Turns out the Romanian bioethics committee has teeth, and isn't especially lenient. Who knew?
Mircea Cinteza, Romanian health minister, said although the birth was a medical success the moral grounds for allowing Ms Iliescu to proceed with IVF were questionable. "The doctors achieved a medical first, respecting the laws of Romania. But they took on a (questionable) moral stance. She took a biological risk that is greater than in other cases, because of her advanced age, and risked the death of the child at birth.
I'm thinking that making bad press for really scary former Party members Romanian health officials might be a bad strategy for fertility docs with career ambitions.

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