January 14, 2005

What if, After He is No Longer Governor, He Gives a Deadly Remedy While at a Costume Party?

Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that:
A state medical panel on Thursday threw out a grievance questioning whether Gov. Ernie Fletcher, a physician, violated professional ethics by ordering an execution. In a unanimous decision, the panel of the Kentucky Medical Licensure Board found that Fletcher signed the death warrant for convicted murderer Thomas Clyde Bowling Jr. while acting as governor, not a doctor.
But at least we can be sure that they really thought this thing through:
"Three members of the medical board's panel that decided on the grievance were also campaign contributors. Fletcher also appointed Nunnelley and Thangam Rangaswamy of Louisville, to the board.

Nunnelley gave $1,000 to Fletcher's gubernatorial campaign fund and another $500 for the governor's inauguration festivities. Dr. Linda Mumford of Owensboro, another panelist, gave Fletcher $500 for his run for governor. Meanwhile, Dr. Danny Clark of Somerset gave the governor's campaign fund $1,250. [AP]

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