March 23, 2005

Dahlia Lathwick Indicts the Palm Sunday Compromise

An emerging consensus holds that even with New England Journal of Medicine's rush publication of Schiavo articles by George Annas and Tim Quill, the standout commentary on what happened here -- geez, what did happen here? am I dreaming?? -- is by Dahlia Lathwick, senior editor of the online magazine Slate, who offers a scathing indictment of Congress's sudden interest in the Schiavo case. She pointedly questions the motives behind the Palm Sunday Compromise, particularly the rush to trample centuries of federalist traditions in the pursuit of a self-proclaimed "culture of life".

There's also a nice interview of Dahlia Lathwick by Alex Chadwick, discussing many of the legal particulars of the Schiavo case.
- Sean Philpott (senior scientist at New York Wadsworth Institute)[thanks Bob Baker (Union)]

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