March 07, 2005

What is Wrong with These People?

Princeton's college newspaper reports that Terri Schiavo's brother visited to give a guest lecture last week, and said
... that allowing her to die would put the United States on the path to Holocaust-style cruelties.  "What is the difference between what happened 60 years ago and what's happening today?" Bobby Schindler asked Wednesday before a crowd in McCosh 10. "What can possibly be crueler than allowing someone to endure a long and painful death because society doesn't want to pay for them or thinks they have no quality of life? As soon as we establish a criteria for starving people to death, we are establishing a second class of people."
Mmm, no, not exactly Bobby. Unless by 'second class of people' - and 'enduring a long death' - you mean those who are deprived of any kind of dignified death, and are instead forced to languish in PVS for fifteen years while you tour the college circuit.

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