May 17, 2005

Fisk University Opens Bioethics Program

One of the nation's oldest historically black colleges, Fisk University in Nashville, has announced that it will be starting a bioethics program. The sponsor, Dollar General Corporation leader Cal Turner, seems to love ethics, having paid already for an endowed chair across the way at Vanderbilt. Thankfully he keeps using his own name for this stuff rather than that of his company - can you imagine 'the Dollar General Professor of Ethics'? Anyway Turner bought a building for the Center at Fisk.

The effort should attract some talent to Fisk in bioethics - and in turn help further to foster new energy in bioethics, and to diversify its populations and its interests. Bioethics remains incredibly homogenous in terms of its ethnic composition, something nobody wants but nobody seems to know how to solve.
Update: Jonathan Moreno reminds me that Fisk President Hazel was the Department of Energy cabinet secretary who brought the radiation experiments matter to President Clinton's attention, and specifically suggested that Presidential Advisory Commission to investigate.

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