May 11, 2005

When it Snows Embryos

Darby Penney pointed me to this RFP (request for grant submissions) from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, for public awareness campaigns on Embryo Adoption. It is an honest-to-goodness save the embryos campaign and it will provoke all sorts of interesting legal critique. Perhaps the current administration has successfully used the newly implemented laws protecting fetuses in order to move strongly now in the direction of promoting 'rescue' for embryos.

Or maybe now that the language of "adoption" has been so clearly embraced, by many folks on both sides of the political aisle, as a way of describing embryos (which absent adoption would by definition then be "aborted" - a huge shift in language for how we would discuss what happens in IVF), we will all be volunteering to raise these embryos.

I will believe that this phenomenon has traction, though, only when I start to see pro-life advocates pregnant with excess embryos.

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