May 24, 2005

President Bush, Ethicist

The President has put his dizzying ethical analysis to work again. He has spoken again to the press about his absolute opposition to the destruction of any human life that happens to have been created after August of 2001 outside of Iraq. Bloomberg reports that the President is not talking about the problems associated with the total contamination of every single line made available by his 2001 measure, nor is he explicitly explaining how he can argue so strongly against the destruction of any human life when in fact those lines also resulted from intentional destruction of human life.

Perhaps he could clarify whether or not NIH should fund research using lines of embryonic stem cells that were made from destruction that occured in other countries that he couldn't control. Why would that be problematic, after all, if the only problem is funding 'the destruction' of human life? Never mind those details - its semantics.

The important thing is that the President is very very much behind life. It should absolutely, positively be allowed to sit frozen, dying in freezers. It should absolutely be thrown away. Support life! Save the embryos! They have a right to live out their lives as freezer cubes and at the bottom of a trash can!!

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