May 20, 2005

White House Uses Korean Experiments as Excuse to Telegraph their Forthcoming Veto on H.R. 810

The incredible cloning threat - more looming and dangerous than weapons of mass destruction, according to then Cardinal Ratzinger, has the President angry enough today to issue a statement about the Korean experiments from Science, which we blogged yesterday. Writes the AP:
President Bush on Friday said he would veto legislation that would loosen restrictions on embryonic stem cell research and expressed deep concern about human cloning research in South Korea. ''I'm very concerned about cloning,'' the president said. ''I worry about a world in which cloning becomes accepted.''
There is a strong message here from the President, symbolically it will be of great importance to the Catholic community, whom he is addressing with this message:
Bush, in his fifth year in office, has not yet exercised his first veto. The White House also promised a veto this week of a highway bill if it exceeded the administration's spending limits. Bush began the day at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast where he was cheered for urging people to ''pray that America uses the gift of freedom to build a culture of life.'' The remark was a public reaffirmation of his position on sensitive issues such as abortion and stem cell research. Bush recalled the legacy of the late Pope John Paul II and said, ''The best way to honor this great champion of human freedom is to continue to build a culture of life where the strong protect the weak.''

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