July 26, 2005

This Guy is from Massachusetts?

Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, eagerly seeking to give life to a possible run for the White House, has vetoed the morning after pill legislation in Massachusetts. The bill, which makes it much easier to obtain the morning after pill, even in Catholic hospitals and without a prescription at pharmacies around the state, is veto-proof. So it is a symbolic gesture. But what is the symbol? That he is clueless?
The governor said he believed that the pill sometimes functioned as "an abortion pill," not just contraception.
That he lied to get elected?
In 1994, during his failed effort to unseat Senator Edward M. Kennedy, he told The Boston Herald in response to a question: "I think it would be a positive thing to have women have the choice of taking the morning-after pill. I would favor having it available." And during his successful run for governor in 2002, he replied yes when asked on a Planned Parenthood questionnaire, "Do you support efforts to increase access to emergency contraception?"
That he has Rove-esque sensibilities?
He said supporting the legislation would mean breaking a promise he made during the governor's race that while he personally opposed abortion, he would not change the state's abortion laws. At the time, that promise was widely interpreted as an effort to satisfy the majority of Massachusetts' constituents by pledging not to make abortion laws more restrictive. But Mr. Romney said Monday that he would also not change the laws to make them more permissive.
You choose.

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