September 20, 2006

[Insert Chess Joke Here] Castle Ready for Another Suicide Run on Stem Cells

CAMR reports:
Rep. Michael N. Castle (R-Del.) Sept. 14 reaffirmed his intent to introduce next year vetoed legislation to expand federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, but said that the Bush administration will continue to be the biggest obstacle in moving the bill forward. Castle was the author and primary Republican House sponsor of H.R. 810, a bill that would have allowed discarded embryos from in vitro fertilization clinics to be used in federally funded research, lifting a White House restriction on funding for study of embryos created after the policy was announced in 2001. The bill passed both the House and Senate, but President Bush vetoed H.R. 810 within days after it reached his desk, the only veto of his presidency so far (5 MRLR 513, 8/2/06 ).

"I guess you could entitle this talk, 'The Making of Legislation--Almost,' " Castle said to a group of federal employees and corporate executives at an event sponsored by the Brookings Institution. "It's the story of incredible success in terms of passing legislation that was not wanted by the majority ... Obviously I'm not happy because we didn't get it made into law."

Uh. Hello STOP Not going to happen STOP Put energy into states STOP EOM

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