January 08, 2005

Blogs as Teaching Tools

Actual case studies and personal narratives are oftentimes the optimal jumping off point in teaching ethical theory, methods, and stimulating discussion. In addition to the standard hardcopy tome, why not use the real-time lived experiences of bloggers? Here are a few blogs to check out, which might serve as discussion starters in your bioethics class:

A Little Pregnant [http://www.alittlepregnant.com/] Description: Madcap misadventures in infertility, pregnancy, and parenthood.

Hospice Blog [http://hospiceblog.blogspot.com/] Description: Fighting for quality hospice care for those that need it.

A Single Woman's Journey To Motherhood [http://kajohn345.blogspot.com/] Description: I am 30 and ready to start my family. I am beginning TTC in January. If that doesn't work (after 6 months to a year), I am heading to adoption. These are my random thoughts and obsessions about TTC, adoption, weight loss, teaching, and working on (actually procrastinating) my Master's. If you stop by, please leave me a short note! I like to know when I have visitors.

Code Blog: Tales of a Nurse [http://www.codeblog.com/]

Death Maiden [http://www.deathmaiden.blogspot.com/] Description: The following postings are all fictionalized. Names and circumstances have all been changed to protect the identity of persons in the stories. Any resemblance to real life people and circumstances is purely coincidence. This blog has been created to explore my personal feelings and professional experiences with death and dying. --Dominic Sisti

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